Nov 19, 2023
Song: Loss
Hey if you wanna to collab.. send me a message on IG saying collab! @beatsinabag
Oct 26, 2023
Song: Live for it
BEATZCRAZE ON THE FUCKING LIST BRO LFG! I've been listening to the amazing transcendental beatmaker and composer the guy Beatzcraze for how many years now, like probably going on seven years. I used to hover at his website for a long time just listening to his tracks, without the idea what I would do to monetize it for him, until one day I just fucking up and decided that I'd pay him for a license, the awesome fucking production called "TRYING". Now as a beatmaker myself I vividly and highly can comprehend inherently how hard we work and the sense that 'nobody never buys our fucking work'. This is where we need to chip in as artists to help fund the message and lyrics we put into for the beat makes to resemble POSITIVITY TO THE UTMOST headed to the fucking stars if that makes any sense to you fucking idiotic trap shit heads who won't contribute a fuck penny back to anybody else in the community.
shit go hard my G keep it up!